Conduit’s 14-Point Seller Evaluation is a comprehensive diagnostic tool designed to assess the effectiveness of your sales team. Leveraging years of industry experience and sales expertise, this evaluation identifies key areas of improvement and provides actionable insights to elevate your sales performance.

Why It Matters:

Every sales organization faces unique challenges, but common pitfalls often include inadequate prospecting, lack of urgency, ineffective storytelling, and poor pipeline management. These challenges can stagnate growth and diminish revenue potential. Conduit’s 14-Point Seller Evaluation aims to:

  • Identify Weaknesses: Uncover areas where your sales team may be underperforming.
  • Enhance Skills: Provide targeted training and coaching to address specific deficiencies.
  • Boost Morale: Encourage a culture of continuous improvement and accountability.
  • Drive Revenue: Implement strategies that directly contribute to increased sales and customer satisfaction.

The 14-Point Seller Evaluation Criteria:

  1. Prospecting Proficiency: Assess how effectively your team identifies and reaches out to potential customers.
  2. Sense of Urgency: Evaluate the team’s drive and eagerness to close new business.
  3. Opportunity Creation: Measure the ability to develop new opportunities rather than relying on a limited few.
  4. Sales Storytelling: Determine how well your team communicates the sales story and value proposition.
  5. Target List Optimization: Ensure your team is focusing on the most lucrative target lists.
  6. Deal Leadership: Check if your team is leading their deals or simply following behind.
  7. Positive Attitude: Gauge the overall positivity and morale of your sales team.
  8. Curiosity in Problem-Solving: Assess the genuine interest in solving customer problems.
  9. Likeability: Determine if your team members come across as likable to buyers.
  10. Effective Sales Calls: Evaluate the effectiveness of sales calls in generating interest and moving prospects down the pipeline.
  11. Balance between Hunting and Farming: Ensure the team maintains a healthy balance between acquiring new business and managing existing accounts.
  12. Peer Interaction: Check if your team spends too much time helping peers at the expense of hunting and helping buyers.
  13. Sales Process Adherence: Verify if your team follows a standardized sales process.
  14. Commitment to Learning: Assess the team’s dedication to improving their sales skills continuously.

Why Hire Us:

1. Proven Track Record: With Joe Barhoum at the helm, a seasoned sales expert with a history of exceptional results and an array of accolades, you’re in capable hands.

2. Tailored Solutions: We don’t believe in one-size-fits-all. Our evaluation and subsequent training are customized to meet the unique needs of your sales team and industry.

3. Comprehensive Training: From onboarding to ongoing mentorship, we provide extensive training programs that are designed to build a resilient and high-performing sales team.

4. Data-Driven Approach: We rely on data to track progress and measure success, ensuring that every step we take is informed and effective.

5. Focus on Long-Term Growth: Our goal is not just to solve immediate problems but to foster a culture of continuous improvement that drives sustainable growth and long-term success.

By opting for Conduit’s 14-Point Seller Evaluation, you’re not just addressing immediate sales challenges; you’re investing in the future success of your sales team and company.

Ready to transform your sales team? Contact Conduit today and let’s get started!