Increasing Sales Productivity

Most sellers fall into sales, as a career. It's therefore not uncommon for sellers to be undisciplined in both the art and science of selling. For example, most sellers cannot explain the Buying Process.

Ask Yourself…

  • Are you not closing enough of the right deals?
  • Are you losing deals you should be winning?
  • Are you engaging your top prospects?
  • Are your reps wasting time on the wrong deals?

Our Model is Simple:

We align your sellers to your buyers by teaching them how to sell on value and qualify throughout the sales process. Your sellers will learn how to be themselves while also developing sales skills that will help them build trust and credibility, thereby leading to increased sales volume and sizes, proper sales cycle duration, and long term success for your organization and your customers.

Sales Enablement

  • A buyer-first program that takes weeks to build, not months
  • Rep and sales leader-level deployment. We focus where it matters most.

About our Founder

Professor Joe Barhoum has been selling software and services for more than 15 years, while also building and leading sales teams. Since 2013, he has been teaching Sales at the University of Portland, while developing the University's Personal Selling Certificate program for graduate students. He is the author of The Great Sellers Playbook, which he uses as a basis for his lectures, delivered to active and aspiring sellers around the world.

Recently, Joe was the Global Head of Sales Enablement for Board International, supporting 100+ reps and leaders. Prior to that, he was the top salesman at Jedox, a SaaS company.